Family Class Sponsorship

The majority of Canadian citizens and permanent residents have relatives who live abroad and would like to see them in Canada. To promote family cohesion whenever possible, the Canadian government provides several ways for this dream to become a reality under its Family Class Sponsorship program.

Among the developed world's family reunification programs, Canada's family class sponsorship programs are the most generous.

Family Members Eligible for Sponsorship

A person seeking sponsorship must meet the following requirements:

  • Whether it is a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or a fiancé or fiancé
  • who is the beneficiary of the spouse or common-law partner's dependents
  • children or grandchildren who are dependents still
  • Mother or father, Grandmother or grandfather.
  • Sibling, nephew, niece, or grandchild under 18 years who is unmarried and whose parents are deceased.

Sponsorship Eligibility

In order to sponsor, you must…

  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • be a Canadian citizen, Registered Indian or permanent resident,
  • be sponsoring a member of the family Class
  • Once the person you are sponsoring becomes a permanent resident, you must either live in Canada or, if you are a Canadian citizen living outside of Canada, provide evidence that you will live exclusively in Canada.
  • sign an agreement with your spouse or common-law partner confirming that each of you understands your obligations and responsibilities,
  • sign an undertaking promising to provide for your spouse or common-law partner’s basic requirements and, if applicable, those of his or her dependent children,
  • You must demonstrate that you are able to meet the basic needs of your spouse's or common-law partner's dependent children.

Sponsorship is not permitted if...

  • If he or she has signed an undertaking for an ex-spouse or common-law partner and it hasn't been three years since becoming a permanent resident,
  • Receive social assistance for a reason other than disability,
  • Are in default of an undertaking, an immigration loan, a performance bond, or family support payments.
  • An undercharged bankrupt,
  • Based on factors such as the nature of the crime, its duration, whether a pardon was granted and what kinds of offenses the person committed, they may not be eligible for this program.
  • Previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than 5 years ago
  • Under a removal order,
  • Detained in a penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison,
  • If you have already applied to sponsor your spouse or common-law partner, you have not yet heard back about your application.

The Way We Can Help

  • Performing a Canada Immigration Law eligibility check for you and your family members.
  • We will help you fill in the correct documentation because incorrect documentation may lead to a refusal.
  • We can represent your loved one before Immigration Canada and obtain a Permanent Residence visa for him or her.